Prejudices Against the Domincan Accent & Anti-Dominican Sentimen



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Prejudices Against the Domincan Accent & Anti-Dominican Sentimen


Dominicans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, coastal Colombians, coastal Panamanians, Argentinians, and Andalusian/Canarian Spaniards generally tend to omit certain syllables and letters in our Spanish accents. For example “Como tu estas?” can easily be said “Como tu ‘ta?” when we speak. We tend to shorten some words and omit certain syllables which make our words flow smoother and faster. Similarly to spoken British English vs. American English: where the British tend to omit their R’s “Party” vs. “Pah-tee.” Or the differences within American English: “Do not go” can be pronounced “Don’t go” or “Want to go” and “wanna go”.