STIRRS Terms of Service
Before using STIRRS, please read our Terms of Service. Citation information is at the bottom of this page.
How to use the STIRRS Repository
The STIRRS repository is intended for use by researchers and non-researchers alike. Visitors can browse our collection, download all or some of our entries, visualize these judgments, and view the origins of our data regarding which varieties of Spanish seem to be spoken quickly or slowly. In addition to these resources, we have also included links to published work regarding speech rate perception, particularly for Spanish dialects.
Each STIRRS entry has information associated with it, including the source, the name (or pseudonym) of person making the judgment, and a link to the original judgment. In addition, we provide a citation to the specific entry and tags identifying the language of the entry (i.e., English or Spanish), the type of judgments made, and the national origin of the original poster (if publically available).
Please see an annotated entry on the right for a better understanding of the associated entry metadata.
STIRRS is updated weekly to include new judgments; these new entries are either direct submissions to the website or new spontaneous judgments from sites such as Quora or Twitter. You can sign up to receive email updates when STIRRS has new features available.
If you are writing about data from the STIRRS repository or using its data for anything other than personal curiosity, please cite the individual entry (if applicable) and/or the entire repository:
Kendro, K., García-Amaya, L., & Henriksen, N. (2023-). Spanish Talker Intuition Regarding Rate of Speech Repository (STIRRS). [Online repository] Available online at
Citations for individual entries may be found on the entry page.