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Do Hispanic Latin Americans understand Spanish from Spain?






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Do Hispanic Latin Americans understand Spanish from Spain?

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José López


Yea, more or less.

Of course, all of us Hispanics may encounter a difficult accent from any Spanish-speaking country, whether it be a Colombian, Mexican or fast Puerto Rican accent.

However, in regards to Spaniards vs South Americans, I would say some trouble may vary, depending on the people speaking, their education and their origins.

My Spanish professor last semester was from Barcelona. At first, I had some trouble understanding her. Obviously, her Spanish was much more advance than mine, and she used a lot of words I didn't know or that were only used in Spain. Plus, her accent made it even harder.

After a while, though, it got easier to understand her. Then, as my Spanish progressed, she and I had begun to have some intelligible conversations. Of course, there were words I wouldn't catch or I would have to ask her to repeat here and there, but I got used to it.

It's like an American speaking to a British, Irish or Australian person. We understand each other pretty well, but some words or expressions may set us back a bit.